Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Every fantasy author needs a magical place to relax and think. So, I'm creating a Fairy Garden in my back yard. I'll be posted my progress as I go. Here are some pictures before I start.


  1. how fun. if i had more time and didn't have this heat, that's something i might try.

  2. What is your definition of a "fairy garden?" I will watch your progress with interest. South Jersey is a tough place to garden... we have either flood or drought, and this crummy sandy soil.

  3. What I'm looking to do is create a place that is inviting for fairies. Beautiful flowers, herbs, decorative items. I do have lots of physical work ahead of me because I'll have to dig the spot up and put in good garden soil. Most likely, I'll have to rent a roto tiller because the ground is like cement, but our small vegetable garden does okay, so with a little help from Miracle Grow and Scott's, I'm hopeful.

  4. Well if you can grow vegetables successfully, you'll do fine. I have a flower border but haven't had the courage to attempt anything edible yet.

  5. Good luck creating your magical space! I am a homeschooling mom of three (the fourth is in a JC with a 4.0 this last year!) I love to be among my kind lol! Just thought I'd drop in and say hello.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Anne! I'm hoping to get some work done on the garden this summer. We're so busy all the time! But I'm looking forward to seeing what I can create.

  7. Thanks for the invite, Steve. You're invited to follow my blog, too. Are you a fantasy writer?
